Wednesday 8 January 2014

Beauty Tip In Urdu For Skin

Beauty Tip In Urdu For Skin Biography

Gorgeous radiant skin, long silky hair and perfect nails make us envy everything about women. The secret to their explicit beauty lies in their genes and also their traditional beauty secrets.

Tamarind has great beauty benefits due to its rich vitamin and mineral content. This  ingredient can help you as a great beauty product, reducing your beauty expenses.

One of the best ways to use tamarind is to make a pure organic paste and use it as a facial scrub to exfoliate the skin. This makes your skin soft. Alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHAs) in the tamarind help reduce all the blemishes and dark spots, resulting in brighter and more youthful looking skin.

The highly acidic tamarind makes a great formula for skin brightening and lightening. A simple recipe of tamarind cleanser is – one cup of honey and tamarind paste with three tablespoons of yoghurt. Gently apply it all over your face, avoiding the delicate eye area and wash it off after 10 minutes. It is perfect for cleansing and removing all the dead skin cells and helps boosting blood circulation.

Beauties use the highly nutritious papaya as a great beauty agent. Papaya contains the miracle papain enzyme which works effectively to banish all dullness from your face and gives a radiant glow. The enzymes in papaya also work as cleansers, banishing all the dead skin cells from the skin.

A simple body polish of papaya can be easily made by peeling the outer skin of papaya and mashing it into a nice pulp. Massage it to your face and body. Follow up with a shower for happy skin.

Lemongrass is not only widely used in Thai food but it is loved by Thai women for its benefits in beauty and wellness. Lemongrass is a great exfoliating and detoxifying agent.

Add 40 grams of fresh finely chopped lemongrass to1 pot of boiling water. Let the boiling water be infused with the lemongrass extracts. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes. Strain it. Inhale the steam for about 1 minute and let your skin absorb it too. Repeat it for 3 times and you will have a lovely sauna effect. The steam cleanses and opens up your pores making it easier to remove dirt and excess oils.

This is one of the most used ingredients in Thai food and beauty. The coconut oil is used as a multipurpose product for the face, body and hair. Coconut oil is one of the safest natural oils. So, you can just perform your normal face cleansing routine, rub a little coconut oil around your eyes to pamper your eye area, apply it to dry areas of the body before taking a bath or shower for all the goodness.

Beauty Tip In Urdu For Skin

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